About me

I am a book addict. I cannot even deny it and I want no cure. Cultivating love and passion for reading

29 martie 2012

Recenzie "Cantec de Gheata si Foc" G. R.R. Martin

Uimitoare si complexa serie!  
S-au scris nenumarate recenzii, de aceea va voi spune doar trairile mele privind aceasta fantastica serie. Am suferit, am iubit, am urat, am cantat si am plans impreuna cu personajele lui Martin. M-am jucat alaturi de copiii Stark si lupii lor, am castigat si am invatat despre onoare si tradare, despre lupta pentru putere si despre jocuri de culise periculoase.  Ideea este ca au existat multe momente in care, chiar daca m-am oprit din citit, nu m-am putut desprinde de atmosfera cartii.
Sa nu fiti surprinsi de ceea ce va voi spune. Intreaga serie fantasy “Cantec de gheata si foc” (citesc deja vol III) e o poveste plina de realism!  Chiar daca are toate elementele specifice unui fantasy, povestea poate fi caracterizata printr-un realism plin de cruzime. Descrierile duse pana la cel mai mic detaliu nu fac decat sa accentueze un tablou deja complet. De aici si numarul mare de pagini. GRR Martin nu se zgarceste cu amanuntele. Intr-adevar dimensiunile cartii sunt putin inspaimantatoare, dar Urzeala Tronurilor este o poveste de care nu te poti dezlipi, pe care cu greu iti vine sa o lasi din mana. Abundenta de personaje si legaturile dintre ele sunt un element de confuzie, dar  Martin are grija sa ne lamureasca pe parcursul volumului.
Admir curajul autorului de a pune pe hartie o lume plina de cruzime, intrigi, tradare, tragedie umana, dar mai ales, maiestria de a crea caractere care nu plictisesc. La o carte de asemenea anvergura, te astepti sa apara momente care te plictisesc, dar indemnarea narativa a lui GRR Martin face ca naratiunea sa fie fluida, fara pasaje inutile. As remarca si indrazneala de a crea personaje cu potential, dar pe care nu ezita sa le ucida.(Ned Stark, Khal Drogo).
Multe povesti fantasy sunt presarate de pericole, dar de cele mai multe ori esti constient ca personalul principal va prinde finalul, nu va fi ucis pe parcurs. Ei, nu acelasi lucru se poate spune despre Seria Cantec de Gheata si Foc. GRR Marin are curajul de a ucide personaje importante pentru naratiune, procesul in sine fiind unul oribil si tragic.  Din punctul meu de vedere, asta nu face decat sa sustina realismul povestii. Soarta personajelor principale, a aliatilor lor, dar si a dusmanilor lor este intotdeauna pusa in balanta, pe cand ai impresia ca vei cunoaste urmatorul pas al unui personaj, imediat Martin ii schimba radical evolutia. Suprinzatoare este atentia acordata in mod oarecum egal personajelor, inclusiv celor secundare. Daca ar fi sa aleg persoajele preferate acestea ar fi: Tyrion, Jon si Arya, trei caractere puternice. Nu voi detalia. Va las pe voi sa va alegeti personajele preferate. 
             Fiecare capitol al seriei m-a acaparat, insa la finalul fiecaruia aparea acea frustrare ca trebuie sa las deoparte aceasta parte a povestii, doar pentru a ma adanci imediat in urmatoarea. Ceea ce voi face si acum…ma intorc in Iuresul Sabiilor;))

Concluzia?? Pana acum, intreaga serie Cantec de Gheata si Foc m-a convins si impresionat prin faptul ca m-a facut sa cred in realitatea lumii create de GRR Martin. Brutalitatea, dorinta de razbunare, faptul ca nici unul din personaje nu e permanent in siguranta, dar mai ales descrierile atat de vizuale care m-au transpus efectiv in aceasta lume a fantasticului real.


Countdown to Season 2: Where we left off and where we will begin 
The last 6 chapters of A Game of Thrones and the Prologue of A Clash of Kings

28 martie 2012

The Hunger Games and Fifty Shades of Grey: two literary sensations that have whipped readers into a frothy frenzy. The librarians of the world must be (very quietly) ecstatic.

Last weekend the first film adaptation of Suzanne Collins’ bestselling book series about dystopian teenage blood-sport massacred the competition at the box office, raking in an astronomical $152.5 million and taking its place as the third biggest opening weekend of all time. Jennifer Lawrence’s headstrong heroine Katniss Everdeen shot her way into the hearts and wallets of moviegoers the world over, as well as onto our newsstand cover. (Subscribers will receive a slightly steamier cover featuring our exclusive story on Fifty Shades of Grey, the massively successful erotic novel that has everyone talking, if perhaps only in hushed tones.)
Even the folks who were banking on The Hunger Games being a success were shocked by how many fans and not-yet-fans alike crammed into multiplex seats to watch Katniss fight for her life. “This has exploded beyond anything we could have imagined,” says director Gary Ross. “There are days where it feels like we’re in the middle of some national media event that has nothing to do with entertainment. We keep looking around trying to figure out how this could have actually happened.” Lionsgate is aiming to release the sequel, Catching Fire, around Thanksgiving 2013, but everyone will be returning to work much sooner. “It’s fantastic to finally have the movie out in the world and to see all of these people who love it,” says producer Nina Jacobson, who first picked up the rights to Collins’ novel back in 2009, “but at the end of the day we’ll roll up our sleeves and it’s on to the next one.”
Even as The Hunger Games heats up movie theaters, another literary wildfire is threatening to turn Kindles into kindling. Copies of Fifty Shades of Grey have been flying off shelves and into the hands of millions of women — and possibly tens of men. EW has the first Stateside interview with press-shy author E L James (that’s a nom de plume, by the way), as well as the full story behind how the sexy novel went from unpolished Twilight-inspired fan fiction to a full-on phenomenon.
THE HUNGER GAMES: Get the latest news, photos, and more
From her perspective, creating a runaway word-of-mouth success wasn’t all that difficult. “I came up with a story and I wrote it,” James told EW’s Lisa Schwarzbaum. “I read an interview with Stephenie [Meyer] where she said, ‘You’ve got to start at the beginning.’ So I did that.” Now Universal and Focus Features have picked up the movie rights for reportedly close to $5 million. It may seem a bit unbelievable, but James understands her book’s appeal. “It’s fantasy,” she says. “It’s a romantic fantasy story. That’s it. It’s just a fun read. I don’t see it as erotica. I see it as a contemporary romance. Yes, it’s quite graphic, but when people fall in love they have sex. Well, actually, they have a lot of sex. In the beginning. So that’s what this is about. It’s for ordinary women who like some spicy sex.”

27 martie 2012

A nice piece of work

Cu drag celor pentru care BDB inseamna ceva...

Astazi, J.R Ward a lansat cea mai recenta carte din seria BDB, Lover Reborn. Mult asteptata carte a lui Tohr a ajuns deja la miile de fani din intreaga lume. Cartea a fost disponibila in precomanda la marile librarii online: Amazon, Barnes&Nobles, Book Depository, etc... atat in format print, cat si in e-book. Cu putina rabdare si noroc, intreaga serie va incanta si fanii urban fantasy din Romania. Dupa cum stiti, seria a fost contractata de Leda. 

In the darkest corners of the night in Caldwell, New York, a conflict like no other rages. The city is home to a band of brothers born to defend their race: the warrior vampires of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. 

Now back in the Brotherhood - and unrecognisable as the vampire leader he once was - Tohrment is physically emaciated and heartbroken beyond despair. When he begins to see his beloved in his dreams - trapped in a cold, isolating netherworld - Tohr turns to a self-serving fallen angel in hopes of saving the one he has lost. When he's told he must learn to love another to free his former mate, Tohr knows they are all doomed . . . 

Except then a female with a shadowed history begins to get through to him. Against the backdrop of the raging war with the lessers, and with a new clan of vampires vying for the Blind King's throne, Tohr struggles between the buried past, and a very hot, passion-filled future . . . but can his heart let go and set all of them free? 


26 martie 2012


V-am pregatit un concurs cu volumul  IURESUL SABIILOR  din celebra serie Cantec de gheata si foc.

Daca vreti sa va inscrieti, lasati un comentariu la aceasta postare cu nume, prenume, oras  si o adresa de mail.
Mult succes!
Concursul incepe astazi si se va termina luni, 2 aprilie.

22 martie 2012



                            Promotie LIBRIS                      
                        Reduceri la cartile pentru suflet

12 martie 2012

                                THE WORDS HAVE POWER..

“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.”

- Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

Cuvintele sunt umbre sterse de nume uitate. La fel cum numele au putere si cuvintele au putere. Ele pot aprinde focuri în mintea oamenilor. Cuvintele pot stoarce lacrimi de la cele mai dificile inimi.

9 martie 2012

                                         Cuvintele, hrana pentru minte

Just a...


Dragii mei, incepand de astazi va voi prezenta cate o carte dintr-o serie pe care o iubesc foarte mult si a carei lume fantastica m-a prins inca de la inceput PSY CHANGELING, scrisa de Nalini Singh, o autoare neo zeelandeza. Cine stie, poate in acest fel, minunata, fantastica lume creata de Nalini Singh va va prinde si pe voi. Va promit, timpul petrecut in lumea PSY CHANGELING merita fiecare secunda. 

Incercati, creeaza dependenta :)

Cartile in limba engleza, alaturi de alte carti ale autoarei, le puteti comanda aici: Libris

Prima carte din serie este Slave to Sensation

Nalini Singh dives into a world torn apart by a powerful race with phenomenal powers of the mind-and none of the heart.
In a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of "rehabilitation" - the complete psychic erasure of everything she ever was...

Both human and animal, Lucas Hunter is a changeling hungry for the very sensations the Psy disdain. After centuries of uneasy coexistence, these two races are now on the verge of war over the brutal murders of several changeling women. Lucas is determined to find the Psy killer who butchered his packmate, and Sascha is his ticket into their closely guarded society. But he soon discovers that this ice-cold Psy is very capable of passion - and that the animal in him is fascinated by her. Caught between their conflicting worlds, Lucas and Sascha must remain bound to their identities - or sacrifice everything for a taste of darkest temptation...

6 martie 2012

Nothing can do what a book can do. Lifts you out of your life… to a whole new world, whole new perspective. A book is like a dream you’re borrowing from a friend — Dave Kellett

Nimic nu se compara cu o carte buna! Aceasta te scoate din monotonie si te conduce spre o lume noua, sptre o noua viziune. Cartea este asemenea unui vis pe care il imprumuti de la un prieten drag 

Esti plictisit?  
De ce sa nu alungi plictiseala cu o carte?  Mergi la  biblioteca!

4 martie 2012

               Adevaruri despre biblioteci

A good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always be in it, taking books off the shelves and staying up late reading them.
Lemony Snicket, Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can’t Avoid

O biblioteca adevarata nu va fi nicodata prea curata sau prea prafuita, deoarece intotdeauna cineva va intra in ea pentru a alege carti de pe rafturi si va ramane acolo pana tarziu pentru a le citi

              Reading and feel asleep?

All good and true book-lovers practice the pleasing and improving avocation of reading in bed … No book can be appreciated until it has been slept with and dreamed over.
Eugene Field, The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac

Toti iubitorii de carte, devotati lecturii se dedau placerii vinovate a cititului in pat... De aceea, nici o carte nu pote fi cu adevarat apreciata pana nu ai adormit citind si ai visat despre ea!
Eugene Field

3 martie 2012

De ce iubim... cartile?

Pentru unii dintre noi, cartile sunt la fel de importante ca orice altceva pe fata pamantului. Este un miracol cum din aceste mici bucati de hartie, ni se dezvaluie si ne vorbesc de lumi necunoscute, lumi ce ne linistesc sau care ne tulbura. Insa cartile ne ajuta sa intelegem ceea ce suntem si cum trebuie sa fim. Ne arata ca exista prietenie, iubire ... ne invata cum sa traim si cum sa murim ...

Maybe a book it's not real, but what you feel, is

“Suddenly the reader’s eyes were filled with tears, and a loving voice whispered in his ear: Why are you crying if everything in that book isn’t true?  
And the reader replied: I know; but what I feel is real.”
- Ángel González
Cartea sau filmul?

Eu prefer cartea. Dar stiu ca multi dintre voi au vazut un film ecranizat dupa un autor ma mult sau mai putin celebru si s-au dus la originile povestii, cartea. Pana la urma s-a facut dreptate cuvantului scris si creatorului povestii.

Voi ce alegeti? Cartea sau filmul? Ambele?

Despre "Timp" cu Octavian Paler

2 martie 2012

"Cei ce topesc multe lumânări în citirea cărţilor,
tocesc şi vederea ochilor trupului;
dar cei ce n-au căutat niciodată pe slove,
măcar că şi-au păzit mai ascuţită vederea ochilor, însă neştiinţa i-a vârât în întuneric şi  în tartarul necunoştinţei."    (Cantemir)

Despre carti, cu un autor drag sufletului meu




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