About me

I am a book addict. I cannot even deny it and I want no cure. Cultivating love and passion for reading

20 septembrie 2012

John Green quote

bird, blog, broken, feelings
I find it really offensive when people say that the emotional experiences of teenagers are less real or less important than those of adults. I am an adult, and I used to be a teenager, and so I can tell you with some authority that my feelings then were as real as my feelings are now.

"E jignitor, atunci când oamenii spun că experiențele emoționale ale adolescenților sunt mai puțin reale sau mai puțin importante decât cele ale adulților. Eu sunt un adult și am fost  adolescent, și va asigur ca sentimentele mele atunci erau la fel de reale ca sentimentele mele de acum. "

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