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I am a book addict. I cannot even deny it and I want no cure. Cultivating love and passion for reading

6 iunie 2013

Ghici ghicitoarea mea... in curand la Epica

Despre ce carte este vorba? Aveti la dispozitie 24 de ore sa raspundeti. 
In plus, spuneti care este citatul vostru preferat din cartea...., 
iar sambata voi alege un castigator. Premiul? 
Bineinteles, cartea....

10 comentarii:

  1. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  2. ”I thought it sounded like this beautiful, peaceful place. Like where you’d want to go when you die. Quiet and water everywhere. A place that would swallow you up and accept you no matter what. I had this whole image of it.”
    “Doesn’t sound like a bad place to end up.”
    “It wouldn’t be, if it were real. But it’s not. It’s not a sea at all. It’s just a big, dark shadow on the moon. The whole name is a lie. Doesn’t mean anything.”

  3. “I know at that moment what he's given me and it isn't a chair. It's an invitation, a welcome, the knowledge that I am accepted here. He hasn't given me a place to sit. He's given me a place to belong.”
    Mai trebuie sa scriu si cartea, sau reiese clar din citat? <3

    1. I slide down out of the chair and get as low as I can to the
      ground so I can twist my head around and see what he’s talking
      about. And I do and it’s unmistakable. There, on the underside
      of the seat, is an engraving of the sun.

      Bravo, Krisz! :)

    2. Multumesc frumos, domnule Adrian Deliu! The Sea of Tranquility (Mare Tranquillitatis) de Katja Millay este o carte superba si plina de citate frumoase! Am mai multe preferate, mi-a fost greu sa aleg doar unul.

  4. The Sea of Tranquility de Katja Millay iar citatul meu preferat este:
    “People like to say love is unconditional, but it's not, and even if it was unconditional, it's still never free. There's always an expectation attached. They always want something in return. Like they want you to be happy or whatever and that makes you automatically responsible for their happiness because they won't be happy unless you are ... I just don't want that responsibility.”

    1. You’re supposed to be who they think you’re supposed to be and feel
      how they think you’re supposed to feel because they love you,
      and when you can’t give them what they want, they feel shitty, so
      you feel shitty, and everybody feels shitty.

      Very good choice... :)

  5. Mare tranquillitatis de KatjA Millay SI ADOR ACEST CITAT “The world should be full of Josh Bennetts. But it’s not. I had the only one. And I threw him away.”

  6. Marea Tranquilitatis de Katja Millay!
    Şi ador citatul "“Daylight won’t protect you from anything. Bad things happen all the time; they don’t wait until after dinner”, are şi puţin umor, dar ce e mai important e mesajul.

  7. Mare Tranquillitatis, citat:“I live in a world without magic or miracles. A place where there are no clairvoyants or shapeshifters, no angels or superhuman boys to save you. A place where people die and music disintegrates and things suck.” -realist



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